Digitalization, art and social inclusion
Art Beyond Gaze works with young people, especially with special needs to develop their artistic skills and the benefits of inclusion.

1. DTo develop a holistic global didactic conception of art using all sensations (look but also touch, hearing, smell)...
2. To create and adopt a multicultural approach of artworks opened to new worldviews (different perception of colors, sounds, art materials depending on the country of origin).
3. To support young people especially with SEND to be involved in communication with and for young people by allowing them to contribute to the creation of tools.
4. Provide and transfer tools, skills (individual, collective) and useful digital practices to professionals and young students in order to improve Arts Education and meet its objectives.
5. To enrich the educational value and goals in the art workshops with different cultural and practical approaches.
6. To engage the young people in the reproduction of known sculptural works using natural materials from the regions/countries involved.
• Els resultats esperats estan relacionats amb el desenvolupament personal i professional dels formadors per a respondre de manera més eficient a les demandes del seu rol social, com a pares, mestres o professionals.
• As for the young, especially with SEND, the project will guarantee the development of their learning skills and the reinforcement of their social- emotional abilities and self- expression to be included in their social and cultural environment.

Perifereiaki Diefthynsi Protovathmias & Defterovathmias
Ekpaidefsis Thessalias
Associazione coat - Centro Orientamento Ausili Tecnologici Onlus
Blue Room Innovation sl
Escola Art i Superior de Disseny d'Olot
Integra, Associació Discapacitats Intel·lectuals
Universite Lumiere Lyon 2
Open Up, Greek Scientific Association for Innovation