Blue Room Innovation has just obtained the 'Innovative SME' seal.
Blue Room Innovation acaba de obtener el sello 'Pyme Innovadora', distintivo que la Secretaría General de Ciencia e Innovación otorga a las pequeñas y medianas empresas en reconocimiento al valor de su capacidad para realizar Investigación y Desarrollo de nuevas soluciones y servicios innovadores.
"El distintivo 'Pyme innovadora" indicates our commitment to innovation and the ability to do it and help others to do it. Innovation is key to business competitiveness.
We have obtained this distinctive because we comply with all the requirements that the Tax Agency demands to apply a deduction in the Corporation Tax for the development of a technological innovation.
Our innovation is related to the technological innovations provided to date and planned in the coming years.
- For Nir-vana project:: open innovation platform that was developed under the umbrella of the H2020 program (Networking Innovation Room for Added Value Networking Alliances; Grant agreement ID: 681787) with the aim to improve and support human relationships between SMEs (www.nir-vana.eu) and will be improved and adapted to the new needs of the consulting companies within the ongoing Torres & Quevedo project (ref: PTQ2018-009753).
- And also for RECICLOS our last open innovation project related to recycling. This is the 1st experience even on the international level that connects waste management, citizens science and recycling. (www.reciclos.com).
Moreover this year we add to the list of innovative projects also CHOICE in which thanks to our experience in innovation, technology and platform development we are working on a MOOC, and also FRIENDESK, , that aims to reduce the social exclusion of children coming from marginalised contexts through the implementation of an innovative ECEC (early childhood education and care).
Obtaining the “Innovative SME” seal allows Blue Room to access the three economic benefits granted by the certification:
- Reconcile the tax deduction obtained for working in R & D + i with that relating to the number of people dedicated to it.
- Participate in the Innovative public tenders.
- Acceso a la línea de financiación ICO “Fondo Tecnológico de Innovación".
We are Committed to Innovation.
Innovation is key to meeting future challenges. We believe in the potential to innovate to build a better and more sustainable world.