Report on sustainable education in Spain of the project Greener Green 

Greener Green is an Erasmus+ project, which aims to create a learning platform. Which contributes and helps improve the sustainable education of primary school children, seeking engagement not only of students, but also of their teachers and parents.


Where the project stands

In order to start preparing the platform and the training, planning, it is essential to first observe how is the sustainable education of the different European countries, in primary schools. In the case of Spain, Blue Room Innovation, with the school Bell-llochas produced a National Report to analyse the situation in the country. 

This document describes how education laws have addressed the terms of environmental education and sustainable over the years. The most important institutions in the country that work to get green schools and are committed to the environment, among others. In addition, two research techniques have been used (surveys and working groups), and work has been done with pupils, teachers and parents. To see from another perspective, what are the strengths and weaknesses of education for sustainability. 

As a result of these processes, some conclusions have been drawn, which help to know the needs of the country, and to build the evaluation tool. This will help to know the degree of sustainability in schools, how to create this learning platform, and what content is needed. These will be adapted for the different audiences that Greener Green has (teachers, students and their families).


Current situation of sustainable education in Spain

The situation of sustainable education in Spain has evolved over the years, and nowadays, work is being done in order to introduce the term sustainability in many laws and education programs. The next laws are not exclusively linked to the environment, they contemplate working on sustainable education as a competence. They propose to incorporate this term into other subjects, beyond the learning acquired in the area of knowledge of the environment.

On the other hand, it should be noted that there are many institutions that fight to implement sustainable education. Some of these are: ESenREDThe XESC association, the Red de Escuelas Verdes de Cataluña, The Programa Ecoescuelas Which is promoted by the Regional Government of Andalucía...

Research findings

As from the surveys and the working groups, it has been observed that the concept that different audiences are most familiar with, is recycling. Even, there is a positive assessment of the initiatives, there is not a goos implementation of the,. It is noted that there is not so much abundance of measures that promote other aspects of the circular economy, such as reuse or reduction through responsible consumption.

Grupo de trabajo de Educacion Sostenible

Most teachers are motivated by the whole agenda related to sustainable education. They are aware that their role in society is important, in contrast, they feel that there is a lack of resources and time to implement it. It has been observed that educational curricula are very closed, that there is a lack of knowledge, and that there is an absence of tools that teachers can use. So they are some of the reasons why sustainable education needs much more dedication.

The educational environment is increasingly digitized. This means that incorporating digital initiatives to increase education in sustainability does not have to be a problem. Children are aware of the changes they have had to live through in recent years in relation to sustainability. Due to the pandemic they have received a lot of extra information and has helped them to acquire knowledge about these terms.

We are therefore at a good time to promote education for sustainability in schools. The project Greener Green can be a good initiative to carry out a transversal project in schools. It can help create a culture of sustainability that increases the knowledge and sensitivity of students, families and teachers.


If you want to read the full report you can download it here:


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